The sun has set on another years Games Day; I'm back from a rain drenched Birmingham, foot sore, tired and with a much lighter wallet. I was planning to hold off on posting for a few days and cover the event in depth as I did for the blogs inaugural post on
UKGD 2010.
Sadly despite being a sellout gig this year, having a well padded official program, both of which I saw as good omens promising much; Games Day 2011 was...well a little Meh!
It wasn't a bad day out, it was just lacking in wow factor, there just wasn't all that much on show and a distinct lack of new product to tease the paintbuds; perhaps we were spoilt last year with the Dark Eldar. (I wouldn't know, somehow I missed them!)
Anyway, I still managed to take plenty of pics and those that I messed up were mostly duplicated by Will and kindly given to me, cheers mate. Over the next couple of days I'll endeavour to bring you what was on offer, for those of you who couldn't make it...or were stranded in the queue for the sales hall!
Omega variant of the Macharius |
Land Raider Proteus |
Mk1c Deimos Pattern Rhino |
Rapier |
Space Wolf Bran Redmaw from IA 11 |
Now thats a Knife! |
Eldar Shadow Spectres Phoenix Lord |
Dark Eldar Tantalus |
As always the Forge World Studio area was, to quote a Sith Lord, 'Most Impressive'; it was chock full of shiny stuff and this year had almost the monopoly on new releases and sneak peeks. Lots of retro Imperial hardware that was a joy to behold even if it did make me feel old and some new characters from the upcoming Imperial Armour 11 'The Doom of Mymeara' which, having had a brief leaf through, looks to continue the line of truly outstanding rule/background books.
Thanks goes to all the studio staff who were, without exception, a pleasure to chat to; more to come in part II.
Don't do Games Workshop anymore but things change, great eye candy and a show I would like to go to just for the experience.
The eye candy is the big draw for me, just a shame it's such a hit & miss affair. I Hope if you ever do go that it'll be one of their 'Even Numbered' instalments ;o)
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